Janet DeBoos - Surface Decoration
9:30AM Saturday 16 and Monday 18 July 2022

CDU 10 Grevillea Dr, Sadadeen NT 0870
This one day workshop will cover will cover ‘other’ surface treatments such as slips, (including making/using terra sigillata), resist of various kinds, stencils, texturing, sgraffito, 'mapping surface' , overglaze and underglaze decals and glaze application on various surfaces. Some of this will be demonstration, and some will be participatory.
Work/test pieces can be taken away or arrangements made to fire during Triennale.
Class will include six tiles per student (some fired/some raw), all materials provided, coloured overglaze and underglaze decals, tools for loan.
If students email a photography or drawing (high contrast black & white) laser print decals will be made for them to use/take home. Images required by 1 July. Email office@centralcraft.org.au with ticket order information for more information on this.
NB: If you choose to send in an image or photo please ensure it is your own original work OR free of someone else’s copyright OR be in the public domain, to avoid any copyright infringements.