Dave Johnston-Pitt
Working with Country (Facilitator)
Date/Time: 1PM-2PM Wednesday 20 July 2022
Venue: Araluen Theatre
Working with Country - continued (Facilitator)
Date/Time: 2PM-3PM Wednesday 20 July 2022
Venue: Witchetty's Forum

When Dave Johnston-Pitt was a boy, he keenly explored the caves near his home, leading his mother to suggest he might become an archaeologist. Later, he became one of the first Indigenous Australians to gain a degree in archaeology, graduating from ANU with Honours and completing a Master degree in London.
Conserving the nation's Aboriginal heritage is Dave's passion. As a consultant archaeologist for 27 years, he has worked on more than 3,000 projects across Australia. In 2014, he was awarded the Sharon Sullivan National Heritage award for his outstanding contribution to the Indigenous heritage environment and his continuing influence on practice.
Dave has had a remarkable career and is recognised as a world leader in the field of Australian Indigenous archaeology. He has made important contributions to the field and its development at Australian universities as well as working to ensure an Indigenous perspective and voice in the study and teaching of Australian archaeology.
"Australia's Indigenous Heritage belongs to all of us. It provides the foundations that can define us as a nation of people who are proud of who we are and of this beautiful land. It is Australia's greatest unrealised asset."