Holly Macdonald
Ngkerreme - Quick Chats
Dates/Time: 3:30PM-5PM Thursday 21 July 2022
Venue: Witchetty's Forum
Lunchtime Entertainment
Personal Space by Converge/\Diverge
Dates/Time: 12PM-1PM Wednesday 20 July, Thursday 21 July, Friday 22 July
Venue: Yeperenye Project Zone, Araluen Cultural Precinct

Holly Macdonald is an Australian artist currently living and working in Newcastle on unceded Awabakal and Worimi lands. Her creative practice combines drawing, installation and hand building in clay to interrogate the dynamic relationship between object, place and the body.
Holly graduated from the National Art School in Warrang/ Sydney with a BFA (Ceramics) in 2014. Her graduate body of work was awarded the Sabbia Gallery Prize and the Mansfield Prize. Later, in 2017, she relocated to Naarm/ Melbourne to complete Honours in Fine Art (First Class) at RMIT.
Holly has exhibited work throughout Australia including solo exhibitions at Firstdraft and Sabbia Gallery, both in Warrang/ Sydney, and undertaken residencies locally and internationally. As well as maintaining a studio practice, she has contributed time and enthusiasm to organisations such as The Australian Ceramics Association, The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (Naarm/ Melbourne), Firstdraft and kil.n.itExperimental Ceramics (Warrang/ Sydney).