Mel Robson
Lunchtime Entertainment
Pinch Pot Project
Date/Time: 12PM-1PM Wednesday 20 July, Thursday 21 July
Venue: Yeperenye Project Zone, Araluen Cultural Precinct

Mel Robson is a Ceramic Artist based in Mpartnwe, Central Australia. For over 20 years she has been creating functional objects, sculptural works, installation pieces and public art.
Her exhibition practice centres around ideas of place and identity and the ways in which histories, stories and associations can become embedded in everyday objects. Exploring this relationship between objects and personal narrative, Mel creates evocative and contemporary works that weave together past and present.
The utilitarian nature of ceramics is what first drew Mel to clay and remains central to her practice. She continues to design and produce ranges of functional objects for use in the home.
Mel is currently Ceramics Lecturer and Visual Arts Coordinator at Charles Darwin University.