Yul Scarf
Working with Country
Date/Time: 1PM-2PM Wednesday 20 July 2022
Venue: Araluen Theatre
Working with Country- continued
Date/Time: 2PM-3PM Wednesday 20 July 2022
Venue: Witchetty's Forum
Agents of Change
Date/Time: 3:30PM-4:25PM Friday 22 July 2022
Venue: Araluen Theatre

Yul Scarf is a multi-disciplinary artist, living on Gadigal- Wangal country. Having graduated from the National Art School in 2020, they received the prestigious Schenberg Fellowship, locating them as one of the most promising graduating artists in a national context.
Through their relationship with clay, Yul grounds themself as a settler living on and working with unceded First Nations land. Their commemorative ceramic forms express the precarity of the settler colonial state as well as the enduring material reality of First Nations sovereignty. Motivated by radical political change and solidarity for First Nations led activism, Yul’s work asks us to consider the colonial structures we inherit and the futures possible in the ruins.
Instagram @mappingslowly